Enseignement Supérieur
Formation professionnelle continue
Hors cursus student
The pôle Aliénor provides personalised programmes and courses on demand.
This programme components are defined according to the student’s wishes and the effective planning of the semester. They may content modules from the DNSPM / licence programme, from the DE programme (pedagogy), as well as sessions from the continuous professional training departement.
Those courses don’t deliver ECTS-credits.
Estimated academic calendar for 2023-2024
- Autumn semester: 11 sept 2023 – 12 jan 2024
- Spring semester: 15 jan 2024 –  28 jun 2024
Application deadline : 1st of april 2024
If you are interested, please contact Claire Michon, the international coordinator of the pôle Aliénor to prepare the application.
Which procedure you follow to enter a French institution depends on your nationality, the country in which you reside, and your educational plans.
- European students don’t need a visa. The admission procedures are simple.
- Non-European citizen need to inform about the right procedure, on the Campus France website
Please note that non-European residents must contact pôle Aliénor by January 10 for the next academic year.
Recommended language skills: A2. No certificate is required for admission.
The instrumental or chamber music lessons may be given in English or Spanish, but most of the courses will be given in French.
Students who need extra French language classes, can contact the Centre Français Langue Étrangère.
The language classes are the responsability of the student, and will not be financed by pôle Aliénor, nor by the University.
The tuition fee depends on the programme chosen. An estimate will be sent according to the study components.
- Motivation letter
- Student application form “Hors cursus student”
- Curriculum vitae
- Audio-recording (15 to 20 minutes)
- Application form – contact pĂ´le AliĂ©nor before sending your application form: c.michon@polealienor.eu